"Oh, Uh, Hi," and 6 Other Ways to Be Awkward When Passing That Guy You Had Class With Last Semester


Picture this: you’re late on your way to your 9:30 lecture, iced caramel macchiato in hand. As you make your way across the ever-so-lovely Landis Green, avoiding the various archetypal characters from any college movie that try to stop you, you take that rare look up from your twitter feed and you see him. Yes, that guy. Whether he was in your class last semester or in your sophomore English class in high school years ago, it's panic time. Whatever happens next is guaranteed to be at least a little bit awkward. You seal your own fate in this godforsaken world that includes weird run-ins with people from your past. Here are seven options to proceed with.

  1. “Oh, uh, hi.”

The safest go-to option. Your “Plan A,” if you will. Usually used when the guy in question initiates the encounter. Maybe you didn’t notice him, paused for a beat before you realize he’s talking to you, then sputtered out whatever noises that potentially take the form of words. Alternatively, you noticed them an uncomfortable fifty feet away, and you’re only acting startled.

2. “Hey! How are you?”

Say this if you secretly hate them but don’t want them to know. In theory, this seems like a friendly route to take, but in reality, he’s given no time to respond as you walk past. He’s left feeling like the bad guy for not properly reciprocating your speedy life check-in, leaving him to stress over his insensitive mistake for minutes to come.

3. Accidentally make eye contact then look down at your phone while acting like you didn’t see them.

Maybe he made you do all the work on your group project and you’re still bitter about it. Maybe you’re just a terrible person. Maybe it’s Maybelline. No matter what, it’ll leave them feeling just as weirdly bothered and embarrassed about it as it will make you. Altogether, a strong, off-putting move without any “trying too hard vibes” to drag it down.

4. “Yo! Love your shoes!”

The most innocent option, but still pretty awkward. Who says “yo” anymore? Oh well, might as well throw in a peace sign before you leave for good measure.

5. Smile and wave (aggressive).

Who do you think you are, the penguins of Madagascar?

6. Gesturing towards them yelling “(insert class you had together here)!”

This one is kind of psychotic, but if one of your new year’s resolutions was to be more assertive, then this is certainly a way to accomplish that. Just be wary of the more sensitive students around you. Not everyone can deal with being reminded of Orgo lab.

7. Go for a high-five.

Only for the most experienced of embarrassing people. It’s either weird as hell or charismatic and fun! The latter is close to impossible, so good luck!

The Eggplant FSU