Roommate Going Through Breakup “Starting To Feel Better” for the 4th Time This Week


Having a roommate is an honor that comes with many privileges: paying less rent, having someone to notice if you went missing, and a person who you can talk to about anything. While it’s nice to live with a built-in-buddy, you have to take the good with the bad. More than the bad, the worst, AKA being there for every single moment of her breakup. But there’s some good news on the horizon: she’s starting to feel better (again!)

“Obviously she’s going through a hard time but it’s kind of hard to sleep through all the sniffling, crying, and 2 A.M. rom-coms,” said junior Diane York, having just spent an hour smiling and nodding at yet another breakup rant. “He wasn’t even that great of a guy; he doesn’t really do anything other than game but had the nerve to tell her that he ‘just wasn’t in the right headspace to be in a relationship right now’ so I mean...come on.” Diane has been there since the beginning of the breakup, 2 months ago, and says her roommate only seems to be feeling worse. “She’s in the denial, bargaining, and depression stages of grief all at once. Every few days she gets the energy to take a shower, she decides that means her life is only going to get better from there. So far, it has not.”

“No, things are really on the up-and-up,” Liz Park said, smiling while putting her wet hair, fresh out of a milk bath, into a towel. “I’m really over the worst of it. I mean, he needs to focus on himself and then after that maybe we can reevaluate, so it’s not like over-over if you know what I mean.” Diane told us that her boyfriend, Asher, has been sleeping his way through all 2 of the female ASLC gamers. “You do the regular things like cry, eat ice cream, do a love spell, and then after that, it’s all about self-care and really healing. I know I’ve told Diane I’m feeling better like 100 times but that’s because I really am. I don’t really think about him that much, you know? I’m still super young and if we take some time off and end up together later, then so be it. So I’m really done with that chapter in my life.”

You don’t get to choose your family, but you do get to choose your roommates. Liz will continue to take a ride on the post-breakup see-saw, while Diane, on the other hand, has decided to invest in some melatonin to get through the sobbing after Liz’s ex-boyfriend randomly sent another “just checking in I hope you’re doing well :)” text. The only way that either of them is going to get through their lease is if they both choose to believe that things are getting better, even if it’s for the fourth time this week.

The Eggplant FSU