HCB Skaters: Where Are They Now?


These days, campus is a sad and lonely place. Gone are the days of dance marathon booths and bright eyed Mormon’s begging to throw you a foam football, and all we’re left with are the 200+ stray cats and creepy fountain statues. Even the once obnoxious skater kids who spent every night doing mad rad tricks and helping out with the olfactory notes of weed at HCB have yet to make their full return, and no lie, we kinda miss ‘em. With that in mind, we’d love to find out: where are the HCB skaters now?

Ray Banz

Ray Banz goes by Raymond these days, since he no longer stresses over his rep amongst the crew nor focuses on his more materialistic brand. Now, he can really take some time to explore himself, trading in kickflips for crocheting and powerslides for pottery. Without the politics one has to juggle to keep up status within the social hierarchy that is the chill, hipster skating community in Tallahassee, Raymond has hit new levels of stress-free living. Or maybe that’s because he hasn’t paid attention to a single lecture in over a year.

Alex “Trip” Walker

Trip was the lawless bad boy of the troupe, and he still aims to embody that persona to this day. If you happen to spot a slightly balding dude with battered Yeezy’s napping on top of the Suwannee on a Wednesday afternoon, don’t stress, it’s just Trip getting up to his usual rebel hijinks. Maybe don’t encourage him too much though; without the group to hold him back, Trip will not hesitate to ride his board through the top floors of Strozier for as long as he can before his inevitable murder.


Torrance has used online classes as a good chance to take a break from skating and break into the field of finance. Starting a few years back when he got stoned as shit and invested most of his savings into Dogecoin, Torrance is now up enough money to buy his second Fiat and hopes to continue in his investing ventures. He has become an ever present fixture in the harassing and correcting of every business student he finds, despite the fact that he’ll be completing his degree in Anthropology this spring and has never actually set foot in the FSU College of Business. 

That one Skater Chick

You all know the one; beanie, dark eye shadow and an inability to look away from her phone screen--that one skater chick is a staple of the HCB skater environment. Now rebranded as ASLC gamer girl #4, she’s found a new group to steadfastly ignore in favor of scrolling through her Tik Tok feed. Even if she says Smash is the kind of thing her middle school brother plays and that she still doesn’t even get the point of League, she’s wormed her way into the others’ hearts with her crappy attitude and 20k instagram followers who are now paying attention to her halfhearted posts of gaming and movie events on campus.

The Eggplant FSU