Student Accidentally Uploads Mugshot Instead of Headshot on LinkedIn


As social media has proliferated over the last decade, one platform has specifically attracted the attention of business majors, frat guys and gunners alike: LinkedIn. While most of us use social media to reconnect with our pyramid-scheming high school friends, one student has taken a new approach to spicing up his LinkedIn page. Brett Jacobson, lover of all things Juul and snapback-related, accidentally uploaded his shameful mugshot as his headshot on LinkedIn.

Jacobson, an FSU Delt and fifth-year senior, was initially embarrassed by his mistake, as he meant to upload a picture of himself sitting pensively by Westcott from his senior photoshoot rather than his mugshot. Jacobson, who was arrested for streaking while under the influence of cocaine and 22 years of white privilege, stated: “at first I thought I was going to get fired because I lied on my background check at my Ponzi scheme finance job that I didn’t have a criminal record. Luckily my grandparents owned a railroad or something, so nobody cares that I get in trouble. I was going to take my mugshot down, but then I realized that my jaw looked pretty defined, so I left it.”

Chase Richards, one of Jacobson’s frat brothers that bailed him out, thinks that his friend made a courageous decision by leaving his mugshot up on LinkedIn. “Listen, when he first uploaded his mugshot instead of his frat composite, I thought he was making a joke. Now, I realize that he is a visionary. He’s basically the male version of Kim Kardashian; I’ve never seen someone do so much to advocate for the incarcerated. People need to know how unfair it is that frat guys get held accountable for our actions. Brett is so smart; now everyone wants to hire him because they get a federal tax break for employing an ex-felon. I wish I had been smart enough to put my mugshot up on LinkedIn.”

Regardless of your stance on online networking, one thing is for sure - whether you have a mugshot, a headshot, or a beauty shot, we all just want a job. So here’s to happy job hunting and endorsing all of our friends in Microsoft Word on LinkedIn! Just remember us when you hit that 500+ connections mark and drop major dollars on LinkedIn premium. Don’t forget that if she doesn’t know what was before it became LinkedIn learning, then she’s too young for you.

The Eggplant FSU