Student Spotlight: The Guy Who Made Quizlet With All the Answers

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While students rebel by taking the easiest math (@math for liberal arts) and science classes (hey baby bio) offered, they still have to pass. Since paying attention is not an option when phones exist, students are forced to rely on Crtl+F and Quizlet to get their homework done with four and a half minutes to spare before their 11:59 p.m. turn-ins. That’s why this week’s student spotlight is on Thomas Gibson, an FSU freshman who made a Quizlet for his Earth Science class with all the answers.

“I mean, how else am I going to study?” said Gibson. The former president of his high school’s National Honor Society and math team was no stranger to scholarly pursuits, and ESC 1000 was no exception. “The class is surprisingly easy; you just have to breathe and have at least one brain cell. Some of my, how should I put this, simple-minded peers have a hard time with that.” In his free time, Thomas stated that he liked to play Dungeons and Dragons at the SLC and tell those people at Market Wednesday exactly why eating meat is moral. “I intend to triple major in Math, Physics, and Theatre. If that doesn’t work out, I’ll probably just whatever you do to be a middle school science teacher.” Being so busy with his studies, he did not have time for many friends, but his roommate has yet to forget to send a “:)” text when he and his girlfriend want some alone time.

“Without user T_FSU_2023, I would be failing Earth Science. I mean, did you know that you had to take a science class even if it’s not your major? What’s the point? That’s sort of dictatorship-ish if you ask me,” said Carson, a senior sports management major who was considering dropping out when his advisor told him about FSU’s required courses in his final semester. “This Quizlet is my bible. Plus, all the answers are in order, so I don’t even have to scroll too hard. I mean, I still failed all the quizzes and tests so far because I’m just copying and pasting, but who cares.” With a C- in the class, Jones remained in good standing to graduate. “If I ever met the guy who made this thing, I’d clap him up and buy him a beer.” Carson and Thomas are from the same town and went to the same high school, where he bullied Thomas regularly.

At a school like Florida State University, it’s hard to remember that there are students that care about more than getting extraordinarily drunk and avoiding the fee that comes with vomiting in an uber. Students like Thomas Gibson, who create Quizlet pages—not for themselves—but for the good of all the other students trying to fulfill a nonsense requirement (but really mostly for themselves), show the school’s actual values. This nerd was not only this week’s student spotlight but a true American hero. And all y’all who try to get people to pay for your Quizlet, we just want to know, who hurt you?

Image Sources: Quizlet logo, FSU logo

The Eggplant FSU