FSU Females Speak Out Against Unrealistic Beauty Standards Set by Blackboard Models
For years Florida State University has used the login page of its Blackboard website to show off the university’s most attractive students, but recently a few brave students have decided to speak out and challenge the status quo. “I’m tired of logging into Blackboard and being forced to look at someone who not only goes to India every summer, but is also prettier than me” says FSU Junior and Gender Studies major Tina Reed.
The beauty standards set by Blackboard models have led some freshmen to take drastic steps in order to keep up. “When I first got to FSU I was very content with my body and the way I looked, but then I started using Blackboard for my classes and I realized that I’m not anywhere close to as pretty as I should be” confessed an anonymous freshman between power yoga classes at the Leach. “I don’t even eat at the dining halls anymore; I only eat scraps of food from a trash can near Salad Creations.”
When asked for a comment, the university says that they realize not every student can be as attractive as those they put on blackboard, but admit that it would preferable if they were. “Florida State University takes great pride in the tradition of unattainable beauty set by former students such as Gabrielle Reece, the FSU Cowgirls, and that girl Brett Favre sent a picture of his penis to. We look to our current Blackboard models to carry on this tradition.”
“It’s totally unfair what Blackboard does to the self-image of females on this campus” says Tina, the Gender Studies major. “Besides, most of those pictures are obviously photoshopped anyways.”